AHD100-SDR Video Demonstration Released
August 29, 2017

With well over a year of deployment experience and thousands of terminals in the field spread all over the globe, we wanted to show the flexibility and operation of our AHD100-SDR software satellite demodulator. This just-released video shows two instances of the software running on a live signal from a geosynchronous satellite on two different platforms with two different radios. The stability and performance of the software on such low-cost hardware shows how it enables economical global distribution of information to all areas including those with limited or no infrastructure. Maritime applications, disaster relief, rural distribution and similar applications are made practical with inexpensive satellite receiver terminals that can run on battery or solar power.

AHD100-SDR Video Demonstration YouTube video

NOTE: The slight interference experienced on the RPi3 platform in the video was due to moving the RPi3 closer to the antenna for the photograph of the platform. Normally the RPi3 is kept further from the antenna and PER is typically in the 4e-5 region. Since the RPi3 is in a plastic case that doesn't provide any shielding, placing it too close to the antenna and rf electronics can degrade performance.

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