Products Page
Anchor Hill Communications has an extensive library of field-tested and product-proven Intellectual Property for Signal Processing and Communication systems. Most modules are delivered as black-box ngc files for Xilinx FPGA targets, although in some cases Verilog source code is available. All modules are delivered with Verilog testbenches for verification and typically include additional simulation and debug support files, such as C or Matlab/Octave routines for stimulus generation and results analysis.
While Anchor Hill's Intellectual Property library is extensive, the following products are fully packaged with module verification and support files:
BPSK Software Demodulator (BSD) - A complete software demodulator for low-cost or highly portable satellite or microwave terminals.
BSD Product Description (13 pages) (pdf)
Mobile Phase Recovering Equalizer (MPRE) - A patent-pending integrated quasi-coherent detection and equalization system for high-throughput single-carrier mobile systems.
MPRE Product Brief (2 pages) (pdf)
MPRE Product Description (9 pages) (pdf)
LMS Adaptive Channel Equalizer (LMSEQ) - A 17-tap fully automatic adaptive equalizer with control features and tap readout.
LMSEQ Product Brief (2 pages) (pdf)
LMSEQ Product Description (8 pages) (pdf)
DAC Correction Filter (DCF) - A family of multiplierless, configurable, efficient DAC sin(x)/x correction filters.
DCF Product Brief (2 pages) (pdf)
DCF Product Description (6 pages) (pdf)
Product Archive
Products Page
LMS Adaptive Channel Equalizer
Mobile Phase Recovering Equalizer
DAC Correction Filter
Software Defined BPSK Demodulator
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